Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Toy: Yo-Yo Clown

Here is the first toy I ever made. I found the pattern in Crochet Pattern Central, it's from Priscilla Hewitt and the directions can be found at

Scarves craziness or how my crochet creations got started

My grandmother tried to teach me how to crochet as a child, her efforts proved fruitful in the long-term. As a child I was never able to remember all the movements and loops for sc, hdc, dc so I stuck with cross stitch. Finally, after 20+ years of schooling and a Masters in Operations Research*, I got a corporate job and found myself with lots of free time on my hands to spend on hobbies.

I took a class at Jo-Ann and started my scarf production. I must have done more than 15 scarves, and my entire family started making fun of me, but I learned to count, improved my gauge and learned intricate stitches.

Patterns for these scarves came from

*If you don't know what Operations Research is, is a good place to start and learn what it is. Contrary to general believe it has nothing to do with surgery or medicine.