Saturday, December 16, 2006

Suede Circles Scarf

I saw this scarf in a Lion Brand booklet for their Suede yarn, I decided to go for Berroco's Suede instead and changed the colors completely. I am thrilled with the results.

Shelly and Bryan Amigurumi Dolls

Gab from created a pattern for Lion Brand which I downloaded for free. For the time being my amigurumis are bold as I haven't found the right yarn for their hair. I changed the colors a little bit and this is how mine turned out.

Amigurumi Owl

Lately I've been making toys (amigurumis) with leftover yarn. This owl was inspired by Elizabeth D's Gourmet Amigurumi pictures. I am eagerly waiting for her book to come out. You can visit her blog by following this link...